Friday, 17 July 2009

200 years of Bolivian independence

As the previous post mentioned, yesterday marked the 200th anniversary of the start of the rebellion in 1809 that would result in the independence of Bolivia 16 years later. The celebrations in La Paz were memorable but I thought that these pictures from the BBC do much more justice to them than any I could have taken so...enjoy.

The link is the following:

1 comment:

Chris Grimshaw said...

Hi Kepper and Karen

Beautiful photos as you say but it is also nice to see you are still keeping up the struggle. In a couple of weeks it will be nearly a year since the Unite delegation was with you in La Paz & Llallagua

Steve Davidson and his wife should be joining you all in La Paz in the next few days for a busmans holiday. I do envy them despite my problems with the altitude

I saw them at the Durham Miners Gala just over a week ago. A brilliant occasion that was a timely reminder of the forces that workers the world over have to struggle against

Warmest regards to you all in Bolivia

Chris Grimshaw

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