Monday 12 January 2009

Now even God takes sides on the constitutional referendum

You might have noticed from my previous post that I have a real problem with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and its position with regard to the new Bolivian constitution that will be approved on 25th January. Not only has Cardinal Julio Terrazas openly confirmed himself in his opposition to this government by keeping a strict silence on the massacre perpetrated in Pando last September and by openly criticising the government on a numerous occasions.

This week, the frenetic campaign as we near the referendum on the new constitution on Sunday 25th January took a dramatic increase in its demagoguery and in the number of blatant lies and accusations that the opposition are prepared to throw in a desperate last minute attempt to derail the process of change.

The blatant lies from the extreme racist right wing are numerous. Among them we can find the following, from the most outrageous, to the ridiculous:

a)This is a constitution written by Hugo Chavez and other ‘communists’ in the government

b)The new constitution will close all private schools, forbid inheritance rights and take all land away from private ownership to put it in the hands of the state

c)The new constitution will impose indigenous forms of justice on all Bolivians

d)The new constitution is centralising and denies autonomic status to the regions

Lies, lies and more lies. Some of these appear in the spot below:

But what we have seen on Bolivian TV screens this week is a barrage of adverts from the opposition asking for a NO vote to the constitution that appeal to the divine authority of God and claim, among other things, that this constitution attempts against God, and that it makes those who approve of it accomplices of sin.

So, it appears that God has taken sides on the debate. Or, will it not be that the opposition has, in the words of MAS MP Gustavo Torrico, transformed itself from neo-fascist to neo-pharisee?

1 comment:

Wiraqocha Yupanqui said...

Blatant lies, really; well then tell me; who wrote the new proposal of constitution? Because everybody knows that the one approved in Oruro and served as base, still the same over 80%, for the one we are going to vote was given to the government constituent representatives to illegally approve it without even reading. That is not even questioned by the regime of Evo Morales.

Point b) is a bunch of half true’s of what people is saying. The new constituent proposal is written in a way that elevates to constitutional law the ideological and religious beliefs of what the so called original peasant communities and nations; this happens in article 8. I; Why are not the beliefs of most of the population, like the seven commandments for example, not written? This means that in the future there will be a push to erase Christianity from the country and the so called mixed schools, half paid by the Catholic Church, will be banned.

Agrarian land isn’t safe from either of the Bolivian constitutions; but what the new proposal of constitution says is that public land can only be given to the members of the original peasant communities and nations; this completely discriminates other Bolivians that want to enter in the agro business.

c) Isn’t a lie at all, our current constitution indicates that communitarian justice can only be used when common isn’t provided by the state and only among members of the community. The proposal of new constitution gives communitarian justice the same level of authority than the common law and jurisprudence over it within the community limits; it also allows for people outside of the community to be processed by it.

d) In the proposed new constitution the regional autonomies have much less rights than the community autonomies, why?

As you can see, the only racist, prejudiced and demagogue activities are the ones from the zealots that belong or support the maSSist regime of Evo Morales.

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